wise elephant, making it happen
The Story
When we started in 2003, we thought we'd be a social network. It was the hip thing to do at the time. Problem was, our peers, clients, and partners all needed help weeding through the emerging communications technologies that are now ubiquitous in our lives. They didn't need another social network, they needed help navigating the new complexity of business, communications and marketing; productively, successfully, and with wisdom. Wise Elephant's purpose was solidified and we've been on the quest to clear paths ever since.

You can call us on 317.802.1570, email us at info@wiseelephant.com, check us out on Twitter via @wiseelephant.com or send us a snail mail to:
Wise Elephant
PO Box 90088
Indianapolis, IN, 46290-0088

The Team
After working at a handful of start-ups (and before that, 6 years of art school) Jason Moriber, our Director of Planning and Strategy, helped launch Wise Elephant. Jason has an MFA in drawing, has played in 4 bands, created and implemented programs for auditors, start-ups, and organic farmers, and is in constant awe of the amazing people he learns about, meets, and fortunately gets to work with. You can read Jason's writing on the Wise Elephant Blog and on NewCommBiz. Engage with Jason on Twitter: @jelefant

Sara McGuyer is the Lead Account Strategist for Wise Elephant. In the past she has been a book shop manager, an events/pr coordinator and a nonprofit marketing director. Always on the lookout for spikes in the trend-waves, Sara points out the uniquely effervescent with a diligently discerning editorial eye. Find her on twitter @sara_mc.

B. Brandon Barker is the Wise Elephant Engagement Director. A savvy online media strategist, he's worked with U.S. News & World Report, Time-Warner, Food Network, The Nielsen Company, Revolution Health, Entergy, Amplify Public Affairs and Dogster. His short stories have appeared in Global City Review, The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror (St. Martin's Press), Verbicide, and online at McSweeney's. His first novel, OPERATION EMU, was the subject of a feature story in The Baltimore Sun.

call: 317.802.1570, email info@wiseelephant.com, or engage us on twitter @wiseelephant

wise elephant, LLC. established 2003. brooklyn/indianapolis