Google Loses in Belgium
By jason - up to 2007 (archived) • Feb 14th, 2007 • Category: News for Creatives (archives)This is relatively old news by now, but I truly admire the Europeans these days. Not only does the Mayor of NYC imply that London is the new financial capital of the world (just before he jets off to Bermuda for the weekend) and AOL and many others see a future there and show it with their investment dollars, AND the creative work coming from the reps over there kick-ass, BUT their courts believe in the value of the creator vs. a manufactured value (if its search-able, and more people see it, therefore we are giving you value, while of course we give ourselves some revenues that we don’t share with you, but we do give you value!). Our state-side media is chalking this up as the European media outlets who sued Google are just seeking monetary reward (duh! Isn’t that the American way?).
jason - up to 2007 (archived) is
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