Turn your PC off, It’ll save you $$$
By jason - up to 2007 (archived) • Mar 22nd, 2007 • Category: News for Creatives (archives)Energy and cost savings can really add up with Windows Vista’s innovative power management capabilities
A single incandescent 100-watt light bulb left on around the clock for a year costs more than US$80 to power. Generating that power releases about 1, 350 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere — a major contributor to global warming.
According to Dean DeWhitt, director of Microsoft’s Windows Kernel team, that is about the same amount of power many PCs consume while not in use. Yet, while few people would leave a light bulb on for a year, many people keep their PCs running with screen-savers at all hours, which actually consumes more energy than an idling PC. What’s more, many large organizations constantly leave their PCs running so they are available to receive security patches and updates.
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