Henrik Olund – 366
By Ryan • Aug 20th, 200807/04/08, 9:39 pm; Watching the fireworks from Dumbo.
A candid shot of life from photographer Michael Berman.
07/03/08; Maria and I celebrate our wedding day – 9 years today.
Incensed with current allegation of Chinese gymnastic cheating and soft scoring, all to the detriment of Team USA, former USA gymnastics coach and current NBC gymnastics commentator, Bela Karolyi, challenged the Olympic gymnastics judges to a fistfight…
NYC cops face different directions right before a protest at the immigration and naturalization building in lower Manhattan.
Young protesters pace the sidewalk prior to being arrested for blocking the entrance to the immigration and naturalization building.
Here are some photos by Nick Cardillicchio of MLB stars Freddie Garcia and Alex Rodriguez. Nick is represented by Janice Moses.