wise elephant, making it happen

Archive for the ‘Ask the Wise Elephant’ Category

Q: The questions for those working the middle are, what can go wrong and who gets left behind when the wave comes?

By Jason Moriber • Jan 11th, 2010

A: The middle shouldn’t be the default; it should be a choice, a hard one, and include a commitment to the long haul. Also, it’s not about waiting, you have to make a business there, not bring a business to there…

Q: Why aren’t more agencies, PR firms, social media people/agencies practicing what they preach?

By Jason Moriber • Aug 10th, 2009

A: Social Media takes a lot time and consistency. Here are some identifiers I’ve witnessed: The Potter, The Apex, and The Hunger…

Q: Is your “active” marketing the same as “inbound” marketing?

By Jason Moriber • Dec 16th, 2008

A: It’s fairly similar. Each marketer will have their own key phrase to best describe what it is they do for you. In both of these cases the goals are the same, to gain the client new leads using an active marketing plan (blogs, social media, email). In some cases “inbound” focusses mainly on search [...]

Q: I saw you updated your tag line to “Active Marketing for the New Economy”, what does that mean?

By Jason Moriber • Dec 10th, 2008

A: Thanks for your question. Consider a print & mail campaign, billboards, or static websites as “inactive marketing”. Inactive, in that they act like flip-through sales brochures. There is no interaction, no conversation.
“Active Marketing” includes tools & services such as a blogs, social media, and email campaigns that seek to spark interaction and conversation.
In our New Economy your client type [...]

Q: My tiny crowdsourcing/social capitalism client is pondering whether small businesses still want to/can do good in this economy.

By Jason Moriber • Dec 9th, 2008

A: This question is from Twitter (from @merredith), though I started on a similar Q/A before this more specific question was posted. The initial question was: In this economy, although I want to run a “good” business (healthy, wholesome, organic food market), should I reconsider and open a not-as-”good” business, a donut shop (high fat, [...]

Q: Does Kathleen Parker’s “Rise of the Twitterati” in the Washington Post editorial page today signify that Twittering is no longer cool?

By Jason Moriber • Dec 3rd, 2008

A: This question comes from Twitter, from Dennis D. McDonald, a technology consultant. There is so much buzz about Twitter these days, about the best way to use it, who is using it, and why. Mainly what I see in this buzz are traditional PR and marketing rock-stars carving…

Q: What do you think of Facebook Connect

By Jason Moriber • Dec 2nd, 2008

A: I think it all matters by the behaviour of the market/people/users. In my old-school way I think of networks/passwords as keys (like the keychain in Apple’s OS). I’ll assume most people like having a separate key for their car and a different one for their house. I therefore lean towards “aggregation” or a really [...]

Q: About how many email promos do these art buyers receive?

By Jason Moriber • Nov 14th, 2008

A: We find that a typical art buyer (or contact who is responsible for looking at books) receives between 20 and 50 email promos a day, and thid number  is increasing. This is one of the biggest reasons we strongly suggest follow-up phone calls.

Q: Should I still do print mailers?

By Jason Moriber • Nov 12th, 2008

A: Yes, print is still a viable solution for marketing to contacts. BUT make sure the piece has a “call to action” ideally pointing the recipient to a form where you can seek more information from them. As an example have the print piece point to your blog/site where you ask if you can add [...]

Q: Do I need to “write” the emails I use for broadcasting?

By Jason Moriber • Oct 15th, 2008

A: Yes. The emails should be as specific about “something” as possible. It could be an announcement of a new series of images, or a new office, or a related news item you want to share, otherwise the recipient will see the email as a “promo” rather than as “useful” or “relevant”.