wise elephant, making it happen
Thomson, All4MP3.com
Project Management, Business Intelligence
Thomson is the company behind many of the entertainment innovations that seamlessly effect our daily lives (digital movie distribution, the MP3, 3-D technology, to name a few). They called us to put a fresh face on their MP3 informational web property and to make it work and display as 'current' without being over the top. We re-architected the info-flow, put the brightest team of modestly punk-rock designers on the look, and relaunched the site to enable ease-of-use for their own internal management and development teams. Visit http://All4MP3.com.
call: 317.802.1570, email info@wiseelephant.com, or engage us on twitter @wiseelephant

wise elephant, LLC. established 2003. brooklyn/indianapolis